Ear Hair Removal 101

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Psst! Before you dive in… I just wanted to make sure that you didn’t miss my epic guide to hair removal for men!

The thing about ear hair is that- more than likely- everyone else is going to notice you have it before you do.

That’s the cold hard truth I’m afraid!

But if you stay on top of it, it’s easily taken care of. Let’s have a look at the options available for temporary and permanent ear hair removal.

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How to Get Rid of Ear Hair: The Do’s

1. Trimming

Ear hairs only look unsightly when they’re really sticking out in most cases, so keeping them in check with a little trim every now and then will often be enough.

It can be difficult to get in there with a normal sized electric trimmer, but there are plenty of ear sized mini-trimmers available (that also work wonders on overgrown nose hairs and eyebrows too).

The Panasonic ER-GN30-K is my top choice because it’s so cheap and does the job extremely well; plus it’s slim sized and can be inconspicuously popped into my wash bag if I’m going to be traveling.

Panasonic ER-GN30-K

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2. Plucking

If you’ve just got a couple of unruly strays sticking out your lugs, a pair of tweezers will do the job. Simple and fuss free.

Expert tip: Better pick a pair of round tip or slant tip tweezers, as opposed to the point tips – you won’t want to stick yourself inside the ear with one of them.

I like the classic stainless steel slant tips from Rubis Swiss– literally the gold standard of the tweezer world and the only pair you’ll ever need to buy.

Rubis Swiss Tweeze Slanted Tip Tweezer

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3. Waxing

Although this method definitely requires a bit of finesse, one well-positioned blob of hot wax in the ear will effectively rip out all the unwanted hairs at once.

If you’ve got a mini forest situation, this is probably the best option for you.

Although this kit is designed for the nose, it can be used on the ears too with the exact same technique.

Nad’s Nose Wax Kit for Men & Women

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How to Get Rid of Ear Hair: The Don’ts

1. Home electrolysis

We need to get serious for a sec:

I’ve already mentioned my concerns about home electrolysis, but I want to specifically stress it here, because I’ve heard several comments from men about this type of treatment.

Long story short:

While electrolysis will provide permanent ear hair removal, it should really only ever be carried out by a qualified physician. Not you, in a mirror, trying and failing to look halfway around the other side of your head while waving around a mini death stick needley whatsit.

2. Depilatory creams

Your ear is a canal. You do NOT want those chemicals going for a swim up that river.

The Bottom Line

So… how to get rid of ear hair? Is there an option for permanent ear hair removal? Well… there’s really no “best” overall answer – but based on this post, you should be able to find the right solution for your own individual needs.

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Ear Hair Removal for Men

Got a question? An issue? A crazy ear hair story? Be sure to share with all of us in the comments below!

 About the author Dave Levitt

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Dave is a Brooklyn-based editor with a specific interest in the recent trend of men adopting beauty and self-care routines. It’s not all about the ultra-masculine-packaged, strongly-scented all-purpose shower gels anymore! Modern men are seeking the quality resources to turn to when it comes to skincare, haircare and fashion. Dave’s hard and passionate work is dedicated to building up more resources like that on the web.